Thursday, December 16, 2010

Levels of 'Reality'

- A mind game, played out by an Ego desperate for recognition of its own existence (but it doesn't really exist!). The Ego is the Trickster and it deceives humans by operating through their subconscious. At this level, all is Duality and so the world is perceived as one of division, separation, 'better than', 'worse than'. Suffering is a constant.

- Consciousness. The One. Ever changing shifts in energy (the real 'stuff' of humans and All That There Is). This is the true perspective of the 'movie' in which humans are but actors. It is one movie (Universal) and its script is known. It is a Divine Plan in which evolution is always towards the Truth, itself Perfection.

- The Absolute. There is no movie. It is all a trick of a non-existent Mind onto which the movie is being projected. Even the observer of the movie is fiction.